Nov 20, 2007

Visual Principles (Part 3) visual perception: Assignment 6: Design Analysis

This assignment was the first group project. Syafiqah was my partner so we did out the points together. HAHA but she realized last minute that she had her bike practical... so I went to class alone thinking that the presentation would be done by myself. Then, the disaster strikes!! my blind eye did not see the word "powerpoint presentation" so we merely did out points and brought the magazine ad along. At the end, there was not enough time to present... so let me present it now with the powerslides I did up. View the link to see it k.

Power point presentation of good and bad posters

It help me understood the different visual principles and apply it to a real design. Moreover, seeing other people's presentation... I think that putting the design on every slide helps audiences to connect the points mentioned with the design better.

i look upon the moon and stars at 11:17 AM
0 stars were shining bright even without the moon