Nov 3, 2007

Visual Elements & Principles (Part 1): Assignment 4: Save, prevent, kill…: Poster design

Subsequent attempts:

Prototype 1:

This attempt, I tried to lighten up the girl's clothes and brighten the color of the copy text to red. I changed the colorful font to just plain white. After looking at it longer, I still felt that the poster is heavier on the right (from the eye's view). The round girl was still funny...haha kind of unrealistic...

Prototype 2:

(Sketch 1)
Thought of another way to represent discrimination. Sketched the rough drawing to see if it works. Basically, I wanted to present a fat girl in a cage to represent her being discriminated whereas if you are slim, you would be free and even the butterflies like crowding around you.

(Sketch 2)

This sketch is my attempt to utilize the same idea. Noticed it?!! the Girl has been changed...haha Asked my friends and they definitely agreed that this girl looks much more real. Recalling what the lecturer said... we tend to hold on to our first idea and never let go. HAHA i think its so true... still holding on the first idea. And so...

This next attempt, I changed the GIRL! haha looks much better now... changed the bird too... I rearranged the alignment of the words to increase flow of reading. Moreover, I was trying ways on my photoshop version 7 to make the light more real... I did it!! *cLaP* through the use of clear emboss and adjusting the opacity.

Prototype 3:

Extended the wall to cover the bottom of the poster. This was aim to intensify the impact of societal pressures (wall symbolizing society) . Added flowers to symbolize the outside world which the fat girl was isolated from. She still holds on to the bird to symbolize her kind gentle nature and the yearn for her to get into the outside world with confidence.

Final Product:

Finally, I adjusted the light increase the focus of the girl and make the poster more visually balanced out... hopefully I achieved that *CroSsEd FinGeRs*

Sentiments of this assignment:
Definitely made me discover more new tools on photoshop version 7... like the brush template to make the flowers, the use of layers, the light effects...etc and did i mention how amazed I was with the brush tool!!! all the shapes and the adjustments you can make with it... makes any design look much mroe professional!! haha
i look upon the moon and stars at 12:57 AM
0 stars were shining bright even without the moon