Oct 25, 2007

Visual Elements & Principles (Part 1) : Assignment 4: Save, prevent, kill…: Poster design

(Sketch 1)

Initial attempt:This is my initial attempt to do the poster. I did not use any photos because the easiest way to ensure your designs are fully original... drawing it would be the best way to my opinion. The concept of my poster lies with the notion of beauty. I was inspired by shows like "Ugly Betty" and dove campaigns. Moreover, i remember my last semester's sociology lecturer mentioned that " ugly is the new beauty" because the concept of beauty is forever changing. I did this poster with illustrator. I was still super noob about all the designing stuff. And again human figures!! as you can see.. the fat girl that i drew looks like some kinder garden work to my opinion! haha i tried to use only shapes of circles and ovals to form this figure. I was struggling with the wall... used the rectangle shape tool... tried to transform it to 3dimension. BUT the filling of colors could only fill to 2dimension!! At last.. I cannot remember how i changed it... meddling with all the tools and properties... finally managed to fill the wall with some texture effect.

Oh ya... i did this in the lab and forgot to bring my thumbdrive... =/ send it to my email as AI file... could only open as an adobe file... luckily i could still print out from the adobe reader and present it in class. Like what Singaporeans say... "HENG!!! AH!". LoL but of cause could not make further changes to it... *SoBz*

The comments given in class:
-Concept was nice.
-Fonts were too colorful.
-Poster was heavier on one side.

i look upon the moon and stars at 12:40 AM
0 stars were shining bright even without the moon