Nov 21, 2007

Principles of Visual Communication: Assignment 6b: individual assignment

The lecture we had for this assignment was a guest lecture. Honestly I cannot remember his name but his website is seriously not bad in terms of layout and design..haha and I remember his company's name card resembling a ticket, go take a look at:

The following are my assignments: just click on them!
Power point Presentation of Website

Comments given:
-I got a really bad website to start with so my presentation was fine.

Doing the report was tiring... I dont know why...haha maybe it was because of the typing and the blank white screen. However, the presentation was definitely more fun. I cropped the website pictures and outlined certain parts hoping to make the presentation better. Looking at the websites given to me so many times to ensure that I gave the right comments. Definitely this assignment made me know more about the application for the different visual principles.
i look upon the moon and stars at 11:35 AM
0 stars were shining bright even without the moon